Where Fitness is Life
Step into the neighbourhood’s toughest gym
Mon 6am & 5pm
Tue 6:45am & 6pm
Wed 6am, 5pm & 6pm,
Thurs 6.45am & 6pm
Fri 6am & 5pm
Sat 7am
Tue & Thur 6am
Sat 8am
Mon & Wed Fri 6:45am
Tue & Thur 10am
Sat 6am
Pads and Combos
Tue 5:15am
Thurs 5:15am & 6pm
Sat 9am
Personal Training
By Appointment
See our About Page for full List of
PT Coaches
Box Tech
Tue & Thur 5pm
Fortitude Fight Club Beginners Sparring
Mon & Fri 6pm
Amateur Boxing Team
Mon & Wed Fri 5:30pm
Juniors Boxing
Mon & Wed & Fri 4:45pm
PeeWee Boxing
Mon & Wed & Fri 4pm
Sat 9am
Master Sparring for
Over 30’s
Sat 7am
General Gym Use
Mon to Fri 6am -7pm
Sat 7 - 11am Sun 8-10am
Claim Your $20
3 Day Trial
Check out our full weights area
Our gym is stacked not just with bags but iron as well.
Check your ego at the door and get ready to sweat!
Discover our timeless
boxing legacy
We're not just another gym, we're a community passionate about boxing and fitness. We've been training champions for over 30 years, with some of the best fighters in the country calling Fortitude home.
We teach real boxing, but you're also guaranteed to get fit along the way. At Fortitude, we also have a newly equipped gym with full weights area, and classes for strength and conditioning.
Group fitness is suitable for all levels, all people, from all walks of life. Come join our Fortitude family.

“There is nothing impossible to
him who will try.”
- Alexander the Great -
Adult Memberships
$48 per week
UNLIMITED ACCESS to all classes on the
UNLIMITED ACCESS to all gym equipment during open hours
Access to MINDBODY for advanced booking for classes
VIP MEMBERSHIP at Coffee Commune
One-off $59.00 Startup fee- including joining fee, FREE FORTITUDE TEE and
Weekly Direct Debit
Suspend for up to 6 weeks for free
Cancel at any time with 30 days notice
3 months $570 / 6 Months $1140
UNLIMITED ACCESS to all gym equipment during open hours
Access to MINDBODY
VIP MEMBERSHIP at Coffee Commune
ONE OFF Upfront payment- at gym only
Fixed Start and End date- non refundable
Junior Boxing Memberships
$39 per week
Flexible no lock in contract
Available to all primary and secondary students (with valid Student ID).
Casual 10 session pack
Attend 10 x Junior classes of your choice, on the Fortitude Class Schedule.
Each session is 45 mins, and led by an experienced Boxing Coach
No hidden fees or restrictions
3 month expiry
Casual/Class Passes
Valid for 1 x Casual Session
Attend 1 x 45 minute class of your choice, OR have your own session at Fortitude Boxing gym
No hidden fees or restrictions
$50 Introductory Pass- see what
Fortitude is about!
Experience 5 x classes of your choice: each session is 45 mins, and led by an experienced Boxing Coach
14 Day expiry from first visit
New members only - cannot be used in conjunction with other intro offers
Strictly limited to 1 per person
Casual 10 session pack
Attend 10 x classes of your choice, on the Fortitude Class Schedule.
Each session is 45 mins, and led by an experienced Boxing Coach
No hidden fees or restrictions
3 month expiry